
Invited Papers

**Nissen, A. T. and Beck, E. D. (under revision). The joy is mine: An idiographic approach to studying well-being. Social Psychological and Personality Compass.

**Nissen, A. T. and Beck, E. D. (2024). Contextualizing life experiences is necessary for contextualizing personality development. European Journal of Personality.

*Jayawickreme, E., *Fleeson, W., *Beck, E. D., *Baumert, A., and *Adler, J. (2021). Personality dynamics. Personality Science. 2

Beck, E. D. and Jackson, J. J. (2020a). Idiographic traits: A return to Allportian approaches to personality. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 29(3):301–308.

Nosek, B. A., Beck, E. D., Campbell, L., Flake, J. K., Hardwicke, T., Mellor, D., and Vazire, S. (2019). Preregistation is hard, and worthwhile. Trends in Cognitive Science.

Journal Articles


**Nissen, A. and Beck, E. D. (in press). Linking person-specific network parameters to between-person change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Willroth, E. C., Graham, E. K., Beck, E. D., and Mroczek, D. K. (in press). Personality change across the lifespan as a predictor of mortality risk in 11 international samples. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Beck, E. D., Cheung, F., Thapa, S., and Jackson, J. J. (in press). A network approach to top down and bottom life satisfaction. Nature Human Behaviour.

Kuper, N., Andresen, P. K., Beck, E. D., Costantini, G., Hamaker, E. L., Wright, A. G. C., and Zimmermann, J. (in press). From persons to general principles: Methodological decisions for idiographic and nomothetic reserach. European Journal of Personality.

**Ma, W., Beck, E. D., and Robins, R. W. (in press). Stability and change in narcissism from adolescence to emerging adulthood: Findings from a longitudinal study of Mexican-origin youth. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Ong, A. D., Cintron, D. W., Yoneda, T., Beck, E. D., Jackson, K., Luo, J., Mroczek, D. K., Steptoe, A., and Graham, E. K. (in press). Social asymmetry and physical health in the United States and Japan. Health Psychology.

Saqr, M., Cheng, R., Beck, E. D., and López-Pernas, S. (in press). Idiographic artificial intelligence to explain students’ self-regulation: Toward precision education. Learning and Individual Differences.

Graham, E. K., Beck, E. D., Ong, A., Jackson, K., Willroth, E. C., and Mroczek, D. K. (in press). Advancing the study of loneliness and health in older adults through the use of integrative data analysis. Psychological Science.

Hawks, Z., Beck, E. D., Jung, L., Fonseca, L. M., Sliwinski, M., Weinstock, R. S., Grinspoon, E., Xu, I., Strong, R. W., Singh, S., et al. (in press). Dynamic associations between glucose and ecological momentary cognition in type 1 diabetes. Nature Digital Medicine.

Ong, A. D., Graham, E. K., Jackson, K., Yoneda, T., Cintron, D. W., Atherton, O. E., Luo, J., Willroth, E. C., Beck, E. D., Mroczek, D. K., and Steptoe, A. (2024). Associations between generativity and social asymmetry across the adult lifespan in japan. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B. 79(2), 1-6. Editor’s Choice


Beck, E. D., Yoneda, T., James, B., Bennett, D. A., Hassenstab, J., Katz, M. J., Lipton, R. B., Morris, J., Mroczek, D. K., and Graham, E. K. (2023). Personality predictors of dementia diagnosis and neuropathological burden: An individual participant data meta-analysis. Alzheimer’s & Dementia

Matz, S., Beck, E. D., Atherton, O. E., White, M., Bogg, T., Rauthmann, J., and Mroczek, D. K. (2023). Personality Science in the Digital Age: The Promises and Challenges of Psychological Targeting for Personalized Behavior-Change Interventions at Scale. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 0(0).

Hawks, Z. W., Strong, R., Jung, L., Beck, E. D., Passell, E., Grinspoon, E., Sliwinski, M., and Germine, L. (2023). Accurate prediction of cognitive reaction time from intraindividual, age, and circadian variables. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.

Beck, E. D. and Jackson, J. J. (2023). Idiographic prediction of loneliness and procrastination. Psychological Science. 33(10), 1767–1782.

Beck, E. D., Jackson, J. J., and Condon, D. M. (2023). Interindividual differences in personality network structure. European Journal of Personality.


*Beck, E. D., *Workman, C. I., and *Christensen, A. P. (2022). CRediT where credit is due: A comment on Leising et al., (2022). Personality Science.

Beck, E. D. and Jackson, J. J. (2022a). A mega-analysis of personality prediction: Robustness and boundary conditions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 122(3):523–553.

Beck, E. D. and Jackson, J. J. (2022b). Detecting idiographic personality change. Journal of Personality Assessment, pages 1–17.


Bollich-Ziegler, K. L., Beck, E. D., Hill, P., and Jackson, J. J. (2021). Do correctional facilities correct our youth?: Effects of incarceration and court-ordered community service on personality development. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 121:894–913.

Yoneda, T., Marroig, A., Graham, E. K., Willroth, E. C., Watermeyer, T., Beck, E. D., Zelinski, E. M., Reynolds, C. A., Pedersen, N. L., Hofer, S. M., Mroczek, D. K., and Muniz-Terrera, G. (2022). Personality predictors of cognitive dispersion: A coordinated analysis of data from seven international studies of older adults. Neuropsychology, 36(2):103–115.

Malle, B. F., Austerweil, J. L., Chi, V. B., Kennet, Y. N., Beck, E. D., Thapa, S., and Allaham, M. (2021). Cognitive properties of norm representations. Cog Sci Proceedings.

Beck, E. D. and Jackson, J. J. (2021b). Idiographic personality coherence: A quasi experimental longitudinal ESM study. European Journal of Personality, 0:08902070211017746.

Saef, R., Beck, E. D., and Jackson, J. J. (2021). Examining the dynamic nature of worker subjective well-being: The application of idiographic approaches. Research in Occupational Stress and Well-Being, 19:179–200.

Hill, P. L., Beck, E. D., and Jackson, J. J. (2021). Maintaining sense of purpose following health adversity in older adulthood: A propensity score matching examination. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 76:1574–1579.

Jackson, J. J. and Beck, E. D. (2021a). Using idiographic models to distinguish personality and psychopathology. Journal of Personality, 0:1–18.

Jackson, J. J. and Beck, E. D. (2021b). Personality development beyond the mean: Do life events shape personality variability, structure, and ipsative continuity? The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 76(1):20–30.

Frumkin, M. R., Piccirillo, M. L., Beck, E. D., Grossman, J. T., and Rodebaugh, T. L. (2021). Feasibility and utility of idiographic models in the clinic: a pilot study. Psychotherapy Research, 31(4):520–534.


Beck, E. D. and Jackson, J. J. (2020b). Consistency and change in idiographic personality: A longitudinal ESM network study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118(5):1080–1100.


Piccirillo, M. L., Beck, E. D., and Rodebaugh, T. L. (2019). A clinician’s primer for idiographic research: considerations and recommendations. Behavior Therapy, 50(5):938–951.


Beck, E. D. and Jackson, J. J. (2017). The search for a bridge: Idiographic personality networks. European Journal of Personality, 31:530–532.

Book Chapters

Saqr, M., Beck, E. D., and López-Pernas, S. (2023). Psychological networks: A modern approach to analysis of learning and complex learning processes. In Apiola, M., López-Pernas, S., and Saqr, M., editors, Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research. Springer.

Beck, E. D. and Thapa, S. (2023). Dynamic systems analysis. In Mobile Sensing in Psychology: Methods and Applications. Guillford Press.

Beck, E. D. and Jackson, J. J. (2021d). Network approaches to representing and understanding psychological dynamics. In Wood, D., Read, S., Harms, P., and Slaughter, A., editors, Measuring and Modeling the Person and Situation. Elsevier, 1st edition.

Beck, E. D. and Jackson, J. J. (2021c). Within-person variability. In Rauthmann, J. F., editor, The Handbook of Personality Dynamics and Processes, pages 75–100. Academic Press.

Jackson, J. J., Beck, E. D., and Mike, A. (2021). Interventions to change personality. In John, O. P. and Robins, R., editors, The Handbook of Personality, pages 793–805. The Guilford Press, 4th edition.

Jackson, J. J. and Beck, E. D. (2020). Using ambulatory assessments to understand personality-health associations. In Personality and Healthy Aging in Adulthood, pages 93–110. Springer.

Cervone, D. and Beck, E. D. (2020). Theoretical and methodological issues in personality research: General concerns and considerations. In Carducci, B. J., editor, The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. 1st edition.

Thapa, S., Beck, E. D., and Tay, L. (2019). Affect and personality in the workplace. In Yang, L.-Q., Cropanzano, R., Daus, C., and Martinez-Tur, V., editors, Cambridge Handbook of Workplace Affect. Cambridge, 1st edition.

Under Review

**Lee, C. and Beck, E. D. (2024). Momentary structures of personality: Idiographic facet profiles and time-varying networks. Manuscript under review.

**Warfel, E., Sutin, A., Beck, E. D., and Robins, R. W. (2024). Perplexing patterns of personality co-development: Findings from a 17-year longitudinal study of Mexican-origin families. Manuscript under review.

**Batra, R., Beck, E. D., Chen, M., and Ferrer, E. (2024). Simde app: Simulating and visualizing formal theories using differential equations. Manuscript under revision, Psychological Methods.

Yoneda, T., Jackson, K. L., Beam, C., Beck, E. D., Pfund, G., Pieramici, L., Garner, K. M., Luo, J., Antonoplis, S., Vanbogart, K., Hauner, K., Turiano, N. A., O’Súilleabháin, P., Barnes, L., Bennett, D. A., Terrera, G. M., Mroczek, D. K., James, B. D., Steptoe, A., Ong, A. D., and Graham, E. K. (2024). Is my loneliness killing me? Effects of loneliness and social isolation transitions between cognitive status categories and death. Stage 1 Registered Report Accepted, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Beck, E. D., Graham, E. K., Willroth, E. C., and Mroczek, D. K. (2024). A taxonomy of data synthesis: A tutorial. Manuscript under review.

Beck, E. D., **Warfel, E., **Ma, W., Sutin, A., and Robins, R. W. (2024). Advancing the study of loneliness and health in older adults through the use of integrative data analysis. Manuscript under review.

Chen, M., Batra, R., Beck, E. D., and Ferrer, E. (2024). Translating psychological theories into testable differential equation models: Guidelines for model building. Manuscript under review.

Eldesouky, L., Beck, E. D., Gross, J. J., and English, T. (2024). State-trait emotion regulation convergence. Manuscript under revision, European Journal of Personality.